When I started writing again I began by reading translations in English by Robert Hass of the early haiku masters Basho, Buson, and Issa. Beyond their depth I was also moved by their austere humanity and spiritual yearnings. For me this introduction to haiku was as a metaphoric poetry in a contemporary translation, centuries after their origins in feudal and pastoral Japan. I realize that much has changed since then.
This website is meant to share some of my 4000+ poems in a format that is comfortable and accessible to an audience as familiar with the constant stream of media as the printed page. I too love the printed word; letterpress, manuscript, and calligraphy. As a young man I worked in a print house that set hot lead type, and sometimes now I feel as if I have lived too long…
this old road–– / one horsefly / no horse
Purists, please excuse my use of digital formats here. I am convinced the work is meant to be shared, as so much of it has been a gift to me. I believe that although the space to cultivate Compassion is harder to find in our culture today, it is within us all and begs to be awakened.
As the internet’s stream of consciousness expands may we grow to tolerate, embrace, and celebrate ideas with a nascent familiarity. Like the veins of a leaf, turned into paper, the internet is our new page, book, and library.
It is my hope to inspire through it.