1. Butsuga ichinyo ––Oneness first snow–– darkness hiding with the mouse 2. Yugen ––Beauty suffused with ineffable mystery Whiteness!–– ghosts and snow crossing the road 3. Essentiality Whiteness!–– footprints, no footprints the same sadness 4. Fuga no makoto ––Poetic Truth Whiteness!–– everywhere, flying…
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Hayden’s Dream
I It was already dark as we entered the path of the circle. Drawn into the ancient riverbed was a great Medicine Wheel in the fresh December snow. At its center rested a Grandfather Drum, and beneath it, a Manitou stone from a sacred site in far mountains. I had made the Medicine Wheel for our friends and…
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Among New England’s treasures are its stone Calendar sites. Archeologists, historians, and natives disagree on the origins of these structures and their history of use. The chambers are often formed of large stones, stacked around a lintel doorway. The roof may consist of long flat stones weighing two tons each. At one site the first…
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Each year, tons of meteorites fall on the earth. Many of them fall into the ocean, and most others never reach the surface. Despite their spectacular appearance, they are almost always small objects, traveling at a high rate of speed, and their appearance is very brief. Even the slowest are moving at a rate of…
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