Recently there was a conversation around the kitchen table about the burdens of the past.
When I was younger I couldn’t imagine being responsible for the actions of the past, before I came into this lifetime. My own life was enough to carry on, right here, and right now. But the events of our times beg us to reconsider the past. Our future depends on it.
The Present is the key.
There are more dimensions available to us than this one that we are currently engaged with. We have reach well beyond what we are aware of here. And it is possible that this three dimensional reality is itself just an illusory construct, one where we operate within other realms simultaneously. This one necessitates a past, present, and future within a timeline of events as we travel on the long walk back to ourselves.
It is through our intention that we shape reality, where things manifest across time. It is with intention that we elevate our own lives in the here and now, and by doing so reach to the past as well, as it is also with us at this singular, present moment. In this way we can bring about change right now. We heal our own story, and those around us, in larger and larger circles of influence. With compassion we can heal ourselves, our family, our tribe or our nation.
As we expand our vibration we leave behind suffering, no longer to mire us in lessons of the past, repeating old stories without resolution.
And by elevating our point of embarkation we also change the future. By reclaiming our wholeness, our holiness, we change the course of the world as well.
This intangible and fleeting realm is a vehicle for enlightenment, like a wisp of smoke, revealing rich and varied treasures in our own light. A moment of awareness, beyond our grasp, where presence is enough.
Our Intention is the doorway to change.