
Human beings are blessed with the gift to dream.

The work of our minds is apparent in systems that grow from sharing, building on structure and culture. Systems of import and export of ideas and ideals, such as education, science, and government.

But it is our hearts that are the seat of our true gift, perceiving a larger reality. With the gift of intuition, it is possible to achieve far reaching effects by creating true abundance within ourselves, and others.

For our hearts, it is possible to affect change simply by being present.

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Our heart’s intelligence extends outward into our finer and rarer light where we can connect in a higher plane of existence and set change in motion. But this quality may not be readily apparent at first glance. Sometimes it takes hours or days or weeks. It may take years or decades. And some work outlasts us across generations.

The range of our reach grows with our awakening, surpassing ordinary experience, moving mountains long after we have forgotten that we first set these changes in motion.

This world is a dense plane, and lower vibrations more easily abide here. Because the nature of vibration appears fleeting, it is harder to feel grounded and to sustain in an elevated state. But among kindred hearts we can experience a knowing that reveals our true work, elevating us to higher paths of purpose.

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Know your heart and be aware of your heart’s desire. Listen to your inner voice speaking the language of love.

Sow seeds that grow with intention.

Dreaming is our reason for being. Dreaming together is the purpose of our Age.

Imagine the possibilities.

Dare to dream your most beautiful dream.



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