
Christiaan Huygens was one of the great minds of his age, and a member of the court of King Louis XIV of France. In 1665 he was studying the measurement of time, and working on his invention of the pendulum clock. One night, he set two clocks into motion in his studio on a ceiling beam and went to bed. When he returned the next day, the pendulums were swinging together in opposite directions, perfectly in synch. He had witnessed a natural phenomenon called entrainment.

It is an effective form of energy conservation where two systems in motion that impede one another when out of phase, then enhance each other energetically through working in synchronous concert. Energy is conserved, and the systems support one another.

This phenomenon is applied today in pacemakers, toward achieving harmony in the regulation of the heart muscle function. It is also called into play in sound healing where our inner rhythms and vibration can attune to those in our environment, resulting in a change in our fundamental frequency toward healing and renewal.

It is also useful in meditation practice as we entrain to the energies around us.


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Quiet your mind and relax into the natural space surrounding you. Release yourself to experience the life energy all around you, as a new mind, without the impediments of language or familiar patterns or expectations.

By freeing yourself of structure, you open the door to innate understanding, the nascent connection that makes your true self fully present and aware of your surroundings.

Due to native differences in our energetic signature it is difficult for us to experience all things fully in this way. But my experience is that things possess more than physical presence alone, exhibiting characteristics, personality, and the potential for sympathetic sentience.  It is possible however to attune to our heart perception, transcending the physical barriers of matter as energy and mass, of space and time.

When these energies become closer in sympathy with one another it is natural for the vibrations to begin to synchronize to one another, entraining to the vibration and clarity of the combined experience. Rather than a coincidental chaos, we find that the world around us trends toward vibrating in resonance and synchronicity and we feel naturally energized, elevated, and expansive. We might call this being tuned in, or in the flow.

We experience this as Bliss.

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Bliss is a language that we have largely lost touch with. The language of the garden that we long to return to, one where words are present in silence and we can read between the lines more deeply into the story. It invites the release of expectations, and welcomes openness to the essential nature of our world. It rewards a childlike heart, erasing the duality of the mind. Bringing us to the center of the garden, into the center of a flower, as an essential part of the whole spectrum, and not as its focus.

Release your consciousness to experience energy, an emotion, arriving in your open heart with messages beyond your daily experience.

The possibilities are exquisitely rich and varied, like petals left in your path, waiting to be appreciated and celebrated within a shared center of being.

This is the realm of artists and poets, of musicians, healers and mystics. It is the work of anyone who dares to hear the voices who assist and uplift us into our birthright bliss. Resonate and expand your reach.

Attend without attention, and return to the garden.


high summer––
                                      dragonfly turning, turning
       into bliss


Words and imagery copyright 2016 Harry D. Hudson

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