Recently I was talking to a young person about the future. His whole life lay ahead of him, rich with choices and opportunities, with great souls and experiences to come. Because he is a deeply caring person the conversation eventually turned to the future of humanity and our planet.
I remember how I felt at his age.
Populations were exploding, Third World countries were being exploited for their resources, without any controls in place to check the damage. The devastation of the environment, rivers, and wildlife, was so pervasive when I was a young man that I thought the conditions could never improve.
I could not have foreseen the positive changes such as the global turn toward conservation, alternative fuels, and recycling that have become the hallmark of this young man’s generation.
It will take a long time to undo the damages already done. And as we stand at the edge of many breakthroughs, sometimes nothing feels secure. Harder still, often the changes can be decades in the making.
I asked him if he had ever considered that the reason that the world hadn’t slipped into collapse might be because of the work of souls already here who are working to keep this from happening.
There was a silent stare in return. It had never occurred to him that this was a possibility.
Just being present is enough.
Sometimes we are blind to those whose very presence raises the vibration of our world. But there are those among us whose work is this. Most choose to remain out of sight, or more accurately, unseen.
I related to him the story of the Bodhisattva. One who chooses to remain in this realm to assist others in their journey to rise, to surpass this world’s limitations. Carrying the burden of others still on the path into light.
The young man began to gently weep.
Behind the dread and frustration, he recognized his own story within this one.
. . . . .
Open your heart and mind to your greatest potential.
Know that the path is lit, and the door is open. Listen with your heart, for that is your soul speaking.
In gratitude, in silence, for insight, for vision.
gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā
Gone. Gone beyond. Gone beyond beyond.
. . . . .
“The Dot Within the Circle” From Joe Panek:
“The Circle represents the Infinite; Eternity. It also represents the flow of time and the ever repeating cycles of eternity which have no beginning and no end; Cycles which, when complete, flow back into themselves and repeat anew.
“The Dot represents the seed, the spark, the focused thought which gives birth to creation in the physical and mental realms.”
You can see his whole post here, one of many from his remarkable website —
A Seeker’s Thoughts: