Atelier Annex Gallery
The gallery is the extension of our studios and our opportunity to visit with clients and collectors one on one. Other than the baskets, weavings and candles, most everything in the gallery is made by Katherine or myself. I do the more traditional work in ceramics, painting, and drawing and Katherine’s photography is represented as fine art prints, as well as on designer pillows, and stone tiles and trivets. We are open 4 days a week, Thursday-Sunday 11Am to 5pm.
The website can be accessed with this address:
Words and Imagery Copyright 2013 Harry D. Hudson and Katherine Henry
Haiku Video Playlist Embed
An overview of my haiku based poetry and related art spanning ten years. I have been working with formats beyond the printed page as means to engage a wider audience with poetry. As well as the traditional haiku scrolls, this body of work includes ceramics, photography, graphic design, works on paper, assemblage, and installations with video as well.
Other poetic forms are viewable on the Poetry Playlist on the same channel.
Click the arrow in the image above to begin the video.