In 1987 there was an event reuniting the Beat Poets for a week-long series of performances, exhibitions, and happenings in the Midwest. William Burroughs lived in Lawrence, Kansas at the time, and Allen Ginsberg thought it would be a good time to call all of the troops home for a reunion in Burrows' honor. It was…
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This time of year, half-way between the Equator and the North Pole, brooks and rivers turn to a festival of delights as freezing and thawing transforms them into wonders of line, form, and texture. With the longer days and warming light a natural wonder miles long unwinds at our feet, different with every hour that passes.…
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As I walk the mountain woods sometimes the trees tell a story from another time and place. You can tell by the size of the trees how old the growth is there. Occasionally there is a patch of old growth that remains intact, undisturbed across the years. There is a different feeling among them than…
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1. Butsuga ichinyo ––Oneness first snow–– darkness hiding with the mouse 2. Yugen ––Beauty suffused with ineffable mystery Whiteness!–– ghosts and snow crossing the road 3. Essentiality Whiteness!–– footprints, no footprints the same sadness 4. Fuga no makoto ––Poetic Truth Whiteness!–– everywhere, flying…
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